Invitation to Interact
Raum für Nachhaltigkeit
March 27 + 28 2023
Atrium VZA7, EG, FLUX-Terrace, 2OG, UAAV
Guided Tour: Meet at 12 am, FLUX-Terrace, overview of all projects
How to Interact with the projects?

How do we connect the Angewandte with landscape through collaborative learning tools?
+Worm Hotel! WURMKISTE, Workshop WORMSYSTEM with worm check-in
sponsere by AsF-hub
+Tree Planting sponsered by PROJEKTWERKSTATT, International Programmes in Sustainable Developments
+Raised bed in Cooperation with WERKLABOR/DEX
+Hopf Hoch by Helene Kallenbach
Foto: Artistic Project May Reda, Wurmhotel, (c) RfN23,Magdalena Chan

02_eduLANDS for Transition
How do we connect ‘Raum für Nachhaltigkeit’ with ‘eduLANDS for Transition’ through collaborative learning tools?
+Mini-Feast with a Differenz!
Erasmus+Project eduLANDS for Transition with EXPANDED GARDEN artspace toZOMIA
+ FLUX-TOGETHER: Drinks for the Difference!
RfN_Foto: Magdalena Chan (c) 2023

03_Artistic projects, Learning to grow together
How do we connect FLUX-Terrasse with landscape through collaborative learning tools?
+Book exchange
+Comfy Seatings
+Adibtable Flowers
+Watering the FLUX- Terrace
+Video: Raum für Nachhaltigkeit 22
Foto: Lina Marangatti, FLUX-Together

How to design repair?
Do you have something to repair? Please bring your broken garment(s) or textile shoes with you.
Would you like to send a request for repair to the producers? We will help you with that.
+ Monday 1 pm: Talk with Peter Knobloch: For which product categories have technical limits already been reached?
+ Monday and Tuesday: Repair with Heike DERWANZ and Valerie Lange, Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien, Fachdidaktik Materielle Kultur und Nachhaltigkeit
Foto Magdi Chan(c)2023, Heike Derwanz und Valerie Lange

05_Vibrant Fields
Wie beeinflussen atmosphärische Effekte die lebenden und nicht lebenden Teilnehmer des städtischen Raums und umgekehrt? Welche Strategien gibt es, um sich an den Klimawandel anzupassen?a+2 pm Room DKT02, 2OG, VZA7 Presentation during
+ Monday and Tuesday DKT 02
Research Project, Department IoA Energy Design, Bernhard Sommer
Project and Foto: Zeynep Aksoez, Mark Balzar, Galo Moncayo Asan(c)2022, Magdi Chan(c)2023

06_Verwebtes Umfeld
How do we connect school with landscape through collaborative learning tools? Webtechnische Materialerkundung für schulischen Kontext
+FLUX Terrace und Atrium Workshops Monday and Tuesday
LV-Nr. S03078 Technologien/Praxen|Weberei, Bindungen, Flächenbildungen, künstlerisches Seminar (SEK)
Foto Magdalena Chan (c) 2023

07_Arts of Change I Change of Art
How can art students contribute to social-ecological transformation? How can they make large-scale processes of change sustainably visible through their own artistic initiatives?
Monday and Tuesday 12-3 pm Atrium ARTS OF CHANGE
Foto: Julia Herzog 2022

08_ re:think re:use
Regional material utilization in art production/h2>
Doris Grossi, ID1,>
Will Vienna’s Spalowskygasse become an community-based artistic encounter zone for neighbourly use?
Wird die Wiener Spalowskygasse zu einer gemeinschaftlichen künstlerischen Begegnungszone zur nachbarschaftlichen Nutzung?
Mo, Di Guided Tour 12.00 FLUX-Terrace: Introduction to projects
FLUX Terrace, Atrium
+ Monday, Tuesday
Foto:Magdi Chan 23, Artisic Project: Re.use, Caro Lechner

09_Philosophizing with Children
What does change mean in landscape?
+Tuesday 2 pm Open Discussion, Atrium>
Akademie Philosophieren mit Kindern, Jugendlichen und Erwachsenen
+ What would you do if you could teach adults and why? What would you like to be taught by children and why?
10_Vienna Bicycle WATER Tour, a soundride
How do we in Raum für Nachhaltigkeit connect the Angewandte with the local landscape of the Danube through a shared experience? (eduLANDS for Transition)
How can access to limited resources such as space, water and opportunities for recreation, in the city of Vienna, be ensured for all? (Social Design)
Which historical, socially and architecturally important places are located in the surroundings of the University of Applied Arts Vienna along the waterways? (Laura Kaminger)
Grande finale: Tuesday: Meet at 3pm, Atrium, Vienna Bicycle WATER Tour of the local landscape around the Angewandte. All welcome!
Please bring your bike with you!
Foto: Cornelia Feitzinger RfN23 , Narratives of Water